9月8日,第五届民用飞机运行支持技术国际论坛与第26届民航飞机航线维修暨航材互援年会(以下简称论坛)组委会成员齐聚青岛航空召开论坛第二次筹备会,期间各与会代表就当下中国各航空类会议、展览等召开情况以及做了简要分析,组委会认为随着国内疫情逐步稳定,各航司航班量逐渐恢复,民航体系运转将很快重回正轨,另一方面,第32届国际航空科学大会于9月6日在上海顺利召开,航空会展正迎来新的复苏,基于此,结合青岛当地会议召开条件,组委会一致决定将论坛定于10月20日至21日召开。On September 8th,the organizing committee ofthe 5th Annual Civil Aircraft Operation Support Technology International Forum & The 26th Maintenance and Spare Support Conference (hereinafter referred to as the forum) gathered at Qingdao Airlines to hold the second preparatory meeting, the organizing committee believes that the operation of civil aviation system will soon return to the right track with the gradual stabilization of the domestic epidemic and the gradual recovery of flights. On the other hand, the 32nd ICAS was successfully held in Shanghai on September 6th which indicates aviation exhibition is ushering in a new recovery. In view of this, the organizing committee unanimously decided to hold the forum on October 20th to 21st in Qingdao.
论坛截止目前已确认了来自南方航空、东航技术、华夏航空、厦门航空、河北航空、浙江长龙航空、海航技术、中国商飞、中国商飞上海客服、西飞民机、空客中国客服、Ameco、Gameco、山东太古、中航材、厦门航空工业、Aviation Week、赛鹏紫玄等单位的共计18位专家领导莅临并发言指导,同时成功邀请了209位嘉宾共同与会,其中包括国内主流30家航空公司的共计121位维修、航材管理相关负责人。同时青岛航空作为论坛召开地东道主,将为各与会嘉宾安排集体晚宴,提供更多交流机会,加强行业上下游企业合作黏性。论坛诚邀您共同关注,更多详情,欢迎来电垂询。Till now, the forum has successfully confirmed 18 speakersfrom China Southern Airlines, Eastern Airlines Technic, China Express Airlines, Xiamen Air, Hebei Airlines, Zhejiang Loong Airlines, HNA Aviation Technic, COMAC, COMAC Customer Service, AVIC XAC, Airbus China Customer Service, Ameco, Gameco, Starco, China Aviation Supplies, Xiamen Aviation Industry, Aviation Week, Sine Draco.209 delegateswere successfully invited to attend the forum, including 121 maintenance and aviation supplies management executivesfrom 30 domestic airlines. At the same time, Qingdao Airlines will arrange a groupdinnerfor the delegates to provide more communication opportunities and strengthen the cooperation between upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry. The forum sincerely invites you to pay close attention, for more details, welcome enquiries.
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